public social policy, public administration, mechanisms of public administration, welfare state, social protection, national securityAbstract
It was determined that social protection of the population is a priority of state policy. At the same time, an important prerequisite for the successful European integration of Ukraine is bringing its policy of social protection of the population into compliance with international legal standards, including European ones. It is necessary that the social protection system is responsible not only for protecting the population from social risks, but also for ensuring the welfare of society. The events of the end of 2013, the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine in February 2022, not only united society and destabilized the state’s economy, but led to a significant change in the direction of social projects of a large part of business. It was determined that among the popular landmarks it is necessary to highlight investments in: the country’s defense capability; humanitarian aid (to internally displaced persons, wounded, families of the dead); infrastructure restoration; educational projects for children; purchase of necessary military equipment, equipment and ambulances. It is emphasized that the accumulated social problems and negative trends in the socio-economic sphere form threats to the national security of the state and further social development. Taking into account the current state of the country’s development requires an assessment of its social security in order to determine measures for their prevention and elimination. Since the country’s social security is closely related to national security, it is necessary to develop and implement a social monitoring system to ensure it. For this, it is necessary to conduct sociological surveys of the population, and to transfer the analyzed results to the authorities.
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