financial security, economic security, public administration, territorial community, local self-government bodies, professional competences, budget, project approachAbstract
The purpose of the article is to substantiate measures for the formation and development of the competences of specialists of local executive bodies and local self-government bodies in matters of financial security of communities. Methodology. The theoretical basis was modern research by Ukrainian scientists on the implementation of financial security technologies at the level of regions and communities (N. Bak, O. Bobrovska, S. Burlutsky, S. Burlutska, T. Krushelnytska, O. Matveeva, M. Treshchev and others). The dialectical method of cognition and the method of comparative analysis were used. However, in the available studies, insufficient attention is paid to the formation and development of the relevant competencies of government officials, which is required by the implementation of this relatively new direction of public management activity. Scientific novelty. According to the results of the research, an indicative framework of “goals – tasks – results” of the project was formed, aimed at the formation and development of competences in matters of financial security of the territorial community, the development and implementation of appropriate measures according to the results of the conducted research, which include the following elements: general goals, tasks, expected results, target indicators, data verification sources. According to the main stages, the implementation of the tasks related to the formation and development of the competences of specialists in matters of financial security of the territorial community is presented with the help of the work plan for the implementation of the project. The task of evaluating the results of management is proposed to be performed according to the documented methodology «Organization of the process of assessing the level of financial security of the territorial community and the quality of its management», which establishes the sequence and order of performing procedures, technology, methods and assessment tools as a component of management quality standards. Conclusions. It is expected that the implementation of reasonable measures, among other things, will minimize the risks of default of local self-government bodies and increase the efficiency of the use of budget funds at all levels.
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