public administration, health care, foreign experience, medicineAbstract
The author has researched that currently an important component of the effective development of the state is the support of the social sphere and the formation of the existing health care system in Ukraine and abroad It was found out that three leading countries stand out in terms of basic health indicators (life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.), among them: Japan, Germany, and the USA. It was revealed that Japan is characterized by a «strong» system of state regulation of health care financing and medical insurance, and the population expects proper control of these problems by the state. Research has shown that the United States spends 16.4% of GDP on healthcare. This is almost the highest indicator in the world. It is emphasized that the main drawback of the US public administration system is the high cost of medical care. It has been determined that Germany’s health care management system is based on well-structured health insurance, which consists of public health insurance and private insurance. It was found that in Great Britain, most of the funding comes from the state budget and is distributed from above through the management vertical. Centralized funding also helps contain rising medical costs. However, the health care system also has its shortcomings, such as the tendency toward monopolization, the lack of patient choice of doctor or hospital. It was noted that in France, the basic level of mandatory health insurance is provided by the system of insurance funds, mainly related to employment. Formally, these funds are private companies, but they are «strictly» regulated and controlled by the state. An analysis of the concept of social security in Sweden showed that the country has developed policies and strategies, as well as specific programs and projects to promote public health and disease prevention, as well as rehabilitation. It found that Canada’s health care system relies heavily on primary care physicians, who make up approximately 51% of all Canadian physicians. They are a kind of link between the patient and the system of mechanisms of state management of health care facilities, which control the access of most specialists to hospital care, diagnostic tests and prescription drugs.
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