postmodern, archetypal approach, new generation political parties, organizational approach, law of oligarchization of MichelAbstract
The necessity of constructing new generation political parties that would be able to carry out traditional activities for them — to effectively and efficiently rationally manage the society under conditions of transition from modern to postmodern and in the postmodern itself is substantiated.
An interdisciplinary model for analyzing the life of the political organizations, which was created for the purpose of such construction, is presented. It links the emergent qualities of the political organizations at the macro level with the choice of behavioural strategies of their members at the micro level through the interaction of these members within primary groups and party units at the meso level. The model incorporates biological, archetypal, socio-psychological, organizational, and political science approaches with aspects highlighted in each of them that link these approaches into a coherent model based on an archetypal approach.
The relationships between the aspects of the different approaches are described in detail. In particular, the organizational approach determines the type of situations reproduced in the primary groups and party units that affect the course of group dynamics (socio-psychological approach) and actualize the relevant cultural archetypes in the unconscious participants of the interaction (archetypal approach), which, due to their established, their habitual settings, frames, discourses, symbols, values, determine the behavioural choice of the participants in the interaction, activating or passivating them (biological approach). All this accelerates or slows down to a complete stop the process of oligarchization of the political parties and determines their viability, efficiency and effectiveness, including their ability to realize their initial goals for a long time (political science approach).
The created and presented interdisciplinary model allows to analyze the life of the political organizations at the micro, meso and macro levels at the stage of their construction in order to choose the optimal set of organizational parameters of the structure of these organizations in accordance with the type of external environment in which they should operate.
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