management, municipal administration, system, safety, emergencyAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the organizational and legal management of the municipal security system of a large city on the example of Kyiv and to justify the ways of its improvement. Methodology. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists, scientific research on the development and provision of municipal security in the broad sense at the level of a large city. Such research methods as analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction were used; systemstructural and comparative analysis. Sharov Yu.P. notes that the most important characteristic of modern city management is orientation, the search for original ways of achieving goals through non-standard solutions and, what is especially important, in the conditions of increased differentiation of cities by level and development potential. I.M. Bezena notes that the decentralization reform outlines new mechanisms of anti-crisis management, activities and strategies for the development of territories, in particular, public participation in the processes of solving problems of local importance and collective and communicative action, which become the main partner resource for the effective development of the region and the state. Summing up, it should be noted that the research of scientists covers the issue of city management in sufficient detail (research by Yu.P. Sharov, I.M. Chikyrenko, I.M. Bezeny), however, the problems of organizational and legal management of the municipal security system are not sufficiently studied in the available literature. Scientific novelty. Based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of the problem of organizational and legal support for the management of the municipal security system of a large city, it was determined that a legal framework for regulating relations in the field of municipal security of a large city has been created, namely: a separate unit has been created in the structure of the municipal management body, a strategy for the development of the municipal security system has been developed, priorities and ways of implementing the provisions of the strategy are determined. Conclusions. It was determined that municipal security is a special type of activity related to its provision, which includes a system of measures aimed at preventing dangers and threats of various nature to people and the community of a large city. Regulatory support for the involvement of public organizations to expand the safe space of a large city requires further justification and development.
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