


forecasting, state control mechanisms, labor market, personnel management, strategy, economic agent, labor-market problem


The components of the mechanism of state management of the labor market of Ukraine are considered and a complex mechanism of its state regulation is formed. The modern management technologies and modern activity of the management apparatus in the labor market are analyzed. The importance of development of strategy and methodology in the process of personnel management is shown. The criteria for balancing labor market needs at national and regional levels are considered. The problems of regional management of the labor market, which lead to the creation of “staff hunger”, are revealed. The implementation of the management programs of the management institutes on improving the conditions of labor market management is analyzed. Several variants of the scenario forecast of labor market development are formulated in connection with the crisis of instability of the socio-economic situation in the regional labor markets. The block approach of workforce forecasting is presented. Model tendencies at the regional level are highlighted when considering the labor market supply and demand ratio. The concepts of “unemployed”, “economically active population” and “self-employed population” are analyzed. The distribution of economically active population into groups is given. Approaches to counteracting potential, partial and real unemployment are shown. The change of place of labor market problems in the system of priorities of the state economic policy is considered and the options of restructuring of the management structure are offered. Options for raising the public status of problems of concern have been analyzed. Signs of formation of economic agent in accordance with the situation of the labor market are substantiated. The basic elements of the organizational and managerial mechanism of the labor market and the economic and organizational methods of market management are given. The necessity of improving the system of monitoring and forecasting of the labor market is substantiated. Proposed ways out of the crisis in the labor sphere in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Ковач, В. (2020). FORECASTING THE MECHANISM OF THE LABOR MARKET MANAGEMENT. Public Management, (5 (20), 109-123.


