


formation of categorical-conceptual apparatus of the national security, national security of the state, realization of the national interests and goals, defense capability of the state


The publication is devoted to the problems of categorical and stateadministrative aspects of the national security formation. The term “security” is analyzed in the process of development of ideas of the discursive democracy, where it was considered as a value, a certain public interest, a good. However, this approach does not take into account that the concept of “security” can be interpreted more broadly as a category of philosophical and, therefore, a category of theory of public policy and public administration. However, it is noted that the growing interest in studying the essence of the concept of “security”, in the context of its world-philosophical understanding, depends on many factors. These include, in particular, the complexity and inconsistency of the current processes of transformation of the geo-political and geo-economic fields, the awareness of the need to solve global security problems and fundamental socio-political and socioeconomic changes that have recently been traced in many countries of the world and have a decisive impact on the international and national security.

It is proved that the content of the national security is seen in the degree of protection of the national interests; the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, the society and the state, environment in various spheres of life activity from internal and external threats; the state of protection of the national interests against all kinds of threats, which is achieved through the deliberate activity of the public authorities and civil society institutions in order to guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms, their progressive development and stability of the constitutional order. At the same time, it is substantiated that the national security of the state consists not only in the protection of the national interests, but also in support of appropriate and necessary conditions of existence of both the state, society and individual citizens. Accordingly, the provision of such favourable conditions is a prerequisite for the realization of the national interests and goals.


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