culture, cultural policy, state, public administration, cultural institutions, social and cultural activitiesAbstract
The article deals with consideration the essence and specificity of modern state cultural policy. It is proved that cultural policy is an activity connected with the formation and coordination of social mechanisms and conditions of cultural activity of the population as a whole, and of all its groups, oriented on the development of creative, cultural and recreational needs as mechanisms of formation and harmonization of the conditions of cultural activity are allocated legal, economic and organizational conditions.
As a result of the generalization, it is determined that at present the function of the transmission of socio-cultural values is carried out by cultural institutions and mass media, with the latter doing it more effectively; institutions of culture and art have lost their monopoly in attracting people to the best cultural values; they have to share this role with private libraries, television, computer equipment and the Internet; cultural-creative and other processes of active activity of the population to a large extent take place outside the institutions and organizations of the institutional system of culture.
The main bodies, implementing the cultural policy of the state, are cultural institutions. The latter are relatively clearly divided into state institutions, budget- bound for the fulfilment of the main tasks of the cultural policy of the state, formulated in the Constitution of Ukraine and other legal acts.
Non-state institutions dealing with the development of artistic activity are creative unions and associations, architectural, artistic and restoration workshops, film studios and film rental establishments. That is, the distinctive features of the subject of state governance of socio-cultural processes are as follows: the ability to influence state legal acts; financing of the tasks of cultural policy from the state budget; and solving the tasks of cultural policy through state legal and economic mechanisms only.
The function of state management of culture does not include the tasks of general socio-cultural regulation of people’s lives, the formation of customs and traditions, direct artistic creativity, leadership activities of creative unions, etc. The management of culture at the state level should mainly model the mechanisms of the natural civilization process, act within framework of its social laws and only to stimulate the accelerated development of society in the direction in which it is itself objectively moving.
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