theories of public administration, information providing, mechanism of public administration, good governance, strategy, digital transformation.Abstract
Abstract. Digitization processes are the main tool in the direction of preservation and search for new methods, principles and means of application in the state of information provision. And the most important tool is the Internet, an informational and communication environment that affects society, business activity and state informational processes (electronic queues, records, obtaining documents, admission to higher education institutions, etc.). The construction of an effective state mechanism of information provision, which will lead to the implementation of the national information provision strategy in the long-term period, is considered. The state information provision mechanism includes an organizational component, the main function of which is the fight against the negative consequences of digitization. The negative consequences of digitalization processes include: workforce, problems with cyber security and data privacy, marginalization of an even larger number of the population, and who works offline or digital illiteracy, and will also contribute to a negative impact on environmental sustainability (increase in the amount of electronic waste, energy consumption, and mining minerals and natural resources, and necessary hardware products). This means that its digital transformation will automatically guarantee success or automatically bring the expected results. National digital transformation is a complex process that includes many stakeholders and their interests, which covers various areas, such as health care, education, transport, energy, environment, management, and others. This involves significant investments, the need to resolve complex ethical and legal issues, and requires constant adaptation to remain relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape. Navigating the process is likely to be complex, requiring the use of appropriate tools, as well as complex and coordinated approaches. A clearly defined national digital transformation strategy can serve as a reference point, providing a basis for decision-making, and helping to determine the priorities of national goals and directing the allocation of resources to achieve the desired results. It can also help overcome uncertainty, even in changing and difficult times, and strengthen coordination and cooperation among stakeholders.
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