Lublin triangle, Baltic- Black Sea region, European integration processes, European integration, integration efforts, integration model, integration directions, opportunities and prospects, principles of European integration.Abstract
Abstract. Modern challenges present Ukraine with many problems that need to be solved. Based on its real capabilities today, it can be noted that overcoming some of these problems on its own is quite a difficult task. Therefore, the idea of our state entering the international community looks promising, given the experience of other countries and our national interests. The present study examines issues related to the problems of Ukraine’s integration into the Eurospace, using the capacity of the Lublin triangle. The authors analyze various relevant scientific and regulatory sources and thus develop an appropriate integration model. In this model, the primary integration directions and the role of Ukraine in each of them are defined. In addition, the efforts that our state must make in order to achieve success are outlined, including possible assistance from particular members of the Lublin triangle. The research findings are the authors’ achievements and can serve as a component of the scientific groundwork for shaping and implementing an effective foreign policy of the country in the area concerned.
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