transparency, European Union, European Union law, acquis communautaire, European administrative space, Association Agreement with the EU, good governance, good administration, human centricity, legal thinking, European doctrineAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the provisions on transparency in the works of scientists of the European Union. Highlights the main mechanisms for ensuring transparency in the European Union. The concept of transparency is considered as an integral element of the European “acquis communautaire” system. The legal grounds for introducing the concept of transparency into the system of government of European states are investigated. The consequences of the conclusion of the Association Agreement with the EU by Ukraine as a prerequisite for ensuring the transparency of the functioning of public authorities are studied. The first system analysis of the Agreement was made from the point of view of its initiatives in the field of transparency. The legal assessment of the concept of transparency is given in terms of its practical implementation in Ukrainian society. Opened their own recommendations on possible mechanisms to ensure the transparency of public institutions based on international experience. It has been determined that openness and transparency of government bodies are integral characteristics of the exercise of state power based on real democracy. It has been established that transparency in the activities of government bodies can not only level out the tension in society associated with illegal actions of public authorities, more fully and efficiently take into account the needs of various social groups, but also significantly improve the efficiency of public institutions. The development of the European administrative space is revealed through the prism of introducing the concept of good governance and good administration as the basic manifestations of the “people-centeredness” ideology as a European tradition of administrative law understanding.
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