globalization, integration, innovation, research space, knowledge, network technologies, network platform, digital infrastructureAbstract
The papers is devoted to study of individual elements of globalization and the impact of European initiatives on the formation of an information space in the field of scientific research and the construction of the national digital infrastructure.
The measures taken in Ukraine in the framework of European initiatives and programs are considered, the example of which states that in the modern world there is a tendency to provide open access to knowledge and convergence of cultural systems, the separate tasks of forming of digital infrastructure in Ukraine in the context of the integration impact of European initiatives are outlined.
Оn the formation of a single information space in the field of scientific research and innovation.
An important feature of integrating the knowledge accumulated by people in different fields is the activity aimed at producing new knowledge and innovations in the countries of the European Union by creating the appropriate platforms, examples of which are discussed in papers.
This circumstance is important in shaping the national digital infrastructure in each EU country and the Eastern Partnership as a system-forming component of the European scientific space, the creation of which is dictated by globalization trends and integration processes. In our opinion, this is an indication of the search for ways to integrate research on the platforms and networks created by increasing the critical mass of the “active brain” in one place (platform) capable of providing a new quality of human activity in the form of ideas, technologies, etc. An example of European programs shows that in the modern world the necessary preconditions for providing open access to knowledge in various spheres of human activity, which should be taken into account in the process of forming a digital infrastructure in Ukraine in the context of integration tendencies for the formation of a common research space, have been created, and some proposals have been made in this regard.
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