educational institution, conceptual approaches, educational organization, organizational structure, object of managementAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence and content of the structure of the educational organization. The educational institution as an object of management, as well as conceptual approaches to the construction of the organizational structure and management structure of the educational institution are considered. Modeled organizational structure and structure of the institution. It is determined that the management of modern educational institutions should be based on methodological principles as a system of provisions based on a clear understanding of laws, laws, principles, and the use of diverse approaches as a combination of methods, methods for addressing managerial problems that more fully provide the theoretical basis of management. It is substantiated that an educational institution is an organization that continuously and continuously carries out the educational process with the aim of studying, upbringing, developing and self-improvement of the individual. The educational institution is a link of the educational system and the institutional basis of pedagogy. It is proved that the structure of management of an educational institution is due to its structure and is complex. The complexity is determined by objective factors — size, object, differentiated directions of work, etc. So in the organizational structure of a comprehensive educational institution there are three levels: the director, deputy directors, heads of methodological associations, psychologists, social educators, organizers of educational work. Some scholars highlight the fourth level to which the bodies of class and school self-government refer to to emphasize the subjectsubject connections. But the leaders of methodological associations work mostly on a voluntary basis, and the functions of psychologists, social educators, organizers of educational work are only partially managerial, student self-government is guided by the three previous levels. Therefore, in fact, the management function is performed by the director and his deputies with the delegation of authority to other members of the team. This kind of control is called linear, and the director and his deputies are linear leaders.
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