state administration, supervision and control, labor legislation, inspection, prescription, inspection visit, labor inspector.Abstract
Abstract. The goal of the work. The research consists in the substantiation of theoretical provisions and the development of practical recommendations for the improvement of public administration in the field of supervision and control of labor protection in Ukraine. In the sphere of state management and administration, directions and consequences of state management in the field of supervision and control over labor protection are investigated, ways to overcome complex processes are proposed. The methodology of state management in the field of supervision and control over labor protection is characterized under the prism of methods and means used in their activities by state bodies and persons authorized by them in this field. In this connection, the effectiveness and efficiency of state supervision and control measures in the form of inspection visits and issuance of orders are being investigated. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the peculiarities of state administration in the field of supervision and control over compliance with labor protection are characterized by the legal status of the relevant bodies, proposals are made to strengthen their rights and powers during martial law. In this regard, it has been proven that the general legal principles of state administration in the field of labor protection supervision and control are inherent to Ukraine. In particular, they include the social component, compliance with the law and guaranteeing the rights of all subjects in this area, objective grounds for inspections. The state control and supervision function for compliance with legislation in the field of labor protection has an extensive subject of regulation and a limited sphere of management. Conclusions. The state is authorized to monitor both the state of legislation in this area and guarantees of its observance in practice. The need for the operation of the control and supervision system of labor protection management in Ukraine on the basis of openness, planning and systematicity is substantiated. It is important to find a balance between the legal actions of state bodies and compliance with labor legislation by business entities.
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