


archetype, social protection, social relations, pension provision, institutional forms


In the article the authors raise the problem of archetype of constructing social relations. Of the central concepts that arise from these considerations, the concept of “regulation” and “social relations” is definitely the most controversial. Based on a retrospective analysis using scientific achievements, the researcher identifies the main stages of constructing social relations in different countries and time spans. The research allowed to outline the role of state regulation in ensuring social relations and social protection. As for the selection of stages of social protection in Ukraine, the authors used an example of a pension system that takes into account both a mandatory and voluntary form. The periodization of the retirement stages has allowed to highlight the main problems in the state regulation of social protection in the area of pensions. The statistical data showed the overload of social security costs is exactly the cost of retirement provision. Also, based on the allocation of archetype forms, the authors investigated various institutional forms that characterize the nature of social relations. One of the ways of solving social problems, authors see the creation of the necessary conditions for creating new types of jobs, taking into account new requirements of modern times. The processes of interaction between the organization, the organizational environment and professional practice are social relations, and some generative mechanisms are trying to restore the obviously incomprehensible links between different social levels. The authors present a link between technology and model of social relations development and social conditions improvement. From technology to technical application. The result is a change in the organizational structure of both the public sector and entrepreneurship in the long run.


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How to Cite

Білик, О., & Блинда, Ю. (2019). ARCHITYPIC OF EFFICIENCY OF STATE MEASURES IN THE SOCIAL SECTOR. Public Management, (3 (18), 75-87.


