the theory of social archetypes, the structure of the elements of the archetype, the archetype environment, the archetype of the Ukrainian youth, ‘The Universal Epochal Cycle’, computer gamesAbstract
The essence of the basic concepts and ways of a new interdisciplinary research area formation and development — social archetypes (the archetypes of the collective unconscious) is shown as the psychological basis of the formation and development of society, its national and cultural identity.
A vision of the archetypal relationship between the consciousness of individuals and the public consciousness as a whole is provided with the impact of the archetypes of the collective unconscious on a person’s ability to self-expression, self-affirmation and acquisition of a new democratic worldview, which is significantly influenced by the archetypes of the collective unconscious, which manifest themselves from the childhood.
The possibilities of the theoretical and methodological design of the ‘archetype of Ukrainian youth’ are considered, starting with the fundamental principles of its life. The domestic analytical-synthetic model of the ‘Universal Epochal Cycle’ was taken as the basis for such an implementation. According to this model, the life course of a person is considered by periods, the totality of which, in fact, constitutes a mini-model of the ‘human life cycle’. This approach is complemented by the features and the general content of the ‘archetypical components’ that manifest themselves at each stage of a person’s life path.
In the context of the approach, the expediency of creating a cascade process of developing and introducing computer games as an instrument for modeling mental abilities and psychological qualities of an individual at each stage of a person’s life path is substantiated. The goal of the games is to choose the development of spirituality, sociality, patriotism and other important social values. It is proposed to construct social processes taking into account the principles of continuity, interconnection, specific living conditions and peculiarities of the stages of human socialization and directing them towards achieving the goals of social development and consistently increasing the complexity of tasks using innovative methods to solve them in the context of the country’s sustainable development.
To develop such an ‘intelligent algorithm’ of innovative technologies for creating the basis for the development of the ‘archetype of Ukrainian youth’, it is proposed in the article to involve specialists from various fields of knowledge who are most sensitive to understanding the underlying essence (psychosocial or archetypical) of the youth age cohort.
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