public administration, institutional support, project, project management, education, education changes, education developmentAbstract
Abstract. In modern conditions, the introduction of project management in various contexts has become particularly important, in particular, in the organisation of entrepreneurial activity and development of territorial communities by local self-government bodies. This strategic direction allows to effectively solve a wide range of tasks related to the implementation of the organisation’s priority goals. These aspects point to the need to improve project management methods and strategies in the field of entrepreneurship and local self-government in order to achieve certain strategic goals and ensure sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to study the key aspects related to the classification of projects and various approaches to their implementation within the framework of public administration. The methodology of the article is based on a comprehensive study and analysis of the developments of domestic and foreign scholars on the use of project technologies in public administration. The interaction between institutional structures and project management, as well as the influence of institutional factors on the effectiveness of public sector projects, is investigated. A systematic analysis of different types of projects and optimal management strategies, taking into account the specifics of the public sector, is carried out. The scientific approaches to project management in public administration are allocated and analysed. In the light of the rapid development of the public sector and the growth of activity in the field of project activities, institutional support for project management is becoming a key element of modern management problem solving. The relevance of this issue is determined by the need to optimise and effectively implement project approaches in the public sector.
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