shadow economy, “para-economy”, collective unconscious, economic growth, tax losses, corruptionAbstract
The current study is devoted to the analysis of corruption and the shadow economy in Ukraine through the prism of the archetypal approach. In particular, the formation of the relation to the shadow economy under the influence of the factor of the collective unconscious is considered. In the process of evolution every nation forms its own mentality, as a reflection of the accumulated common experience, as awareness of its place in the world and the world in itself, as a way of knowing and explaining the phenomena of the environment. The formation of the mentality of the people is largely unconscious, but it defines the basic values and standards of the human behaviour in general, the feelings and acceptable standards of an individual. The mentality, the absence of a generally accepted and propagandized national idea and strategy of development, the practice of applying mechanisms for the effective transfer of power and “social lifts” lead to the domination of private interests over the public, and impunity — to the growth of corruption with all the branches of power and the formation of a “para-power”, “para-economy”. To confirm this thesis in the work the influence of the shadow economy on the fiscal policy of the state is analyzed in detail, the essence and significance of the indicators of corruption and indicators of corruption control are analyzed, the results obtained are compared with similar indicators of the countries of the near Europe and the EU, conclusions are made and author’s recommendations for further steps in solving the problem of struggle with “para-economy” in Ukraine not only in the area of economic changes, but also in conducting information and educational work in this direction.
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