public administration, army, military sphere, war, Ukrainian revolution, national security, military leadership, elite, weapons, Armed Forces of UkraineAbstract
The article analyzes the management aspect of the difficulties of building the Ukrainian army during the Ukrainian democratic revolution of 1917-1921. The purpose of the work is to determine problems that arose in 1917-1921 with the formation of the Ukrainian army are important to take into account in the present, so that the experience of the ancestors becomes useful for contemporaries. Methodology. The range of the scientific problem of the selected research topic determines the combination of methodological and integrative disciplinary approaches in order to solve it. Comparativehistorical, problematic, analysis of literary sources and critical research methods are applied. The logic of scientific intelligence involves the establishment of a mutual connection between history and public administration. Scientific novelty. The author analyzed the actions and measures of public administration bodies for the development of the army. Conclusions. The author concluded about the importance of using the experience of managers of the beginning of the 20th century, period of Ukrainian state formation to improve the effectiveness of the organization of the military sphere during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, and also emphasized the need for further research in this field.
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