sustainable development, public-private partnership, modernization, archetype, mentality, implementation barriersAbstract
An archetype analysis of the problems of public-private partnership (PPP) functioning and its role in ensuring sustainable development has been carried out. The necessity of taking into account transformational changes which resulted not only in changing the political system and forms of ownership and the transition to democracy and market economy, but also combined with the change in the mentality of the population, was emphasized. There is a need to rethink the role of the state in public relations. The partnership is considered, on the one hand, as a goal and a task of sustainable development, which demonstrates a change in the paradigm of solving problems from individualized to unified, network, and on the other hand, as a factor of its providing. The significant role of PPP in ensuring sustainable development has been proved. The dependence of the level of development of PPP on the development of state and civil society, the level of awareness of public and private partners of their social responsibility is indicated. It is noted that the concept of “public-private partnership” is broader and more consistent with the tasks of stimulating sustainable development than “state-private partnership”. It is concluded that national mentality, social and cultural norms in the country can significantly influence the perception of the idea of the PPP, and therefore these projects should be adapted to the local context. The barriers for implementation of PPP are analyzed, among which the following are highlighted: imperfection of administrative processes, insufficient legal and regulatory framework with frequent changes in the legislation and regulations, concentration of attention on procedural issues with underestimation of the innovative and investment potential of the PPP, and in particular, its role in the formation of new public relations and civil society. An archetypal analysis has allowed substantiating the need for increased participation of the third sector in the processes, ensuring their openness and transparency. It is about overcoming “collectively unconscious” in favor of conscious collective action in support of sustainable development.
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