sustainable development, social changes, reform, social development, progress, culture, Ukrainians, archetype, Child archetypeAbstract
The modern world is constantly evolving. Progress in all spheres of human life has reached unprecedented speed. For example, the technology market is completely upgraded for 5 years. Global society creates a variety of concepts and strategies in order to maintain such a level of progress. They are the benchmark for anyone who wants to grow effectively. The Concept of Sustainable Development is the leading way for most of the countries. It determines the directions for the development of the countries, their policies on the international and domestic scenes, the laws that they adopt, etc. This concept rooted not only at the state level. Organizations are guided by it when they plan their own activities. Also, ordinary people are guided by it in their everyday lives. The purpose of the article is to review the peculiarities of the state of Ukrainian society and the development of a new strategy for sustainable development of Ukraine. In the analysis theories of classics of sociological and psychological thought were used: T. Parsons, O. Spengler, P. Stompky, K. Jung. With their help, the Ukrainian social modernity was analyzed and the theoretical confirmation of the possibility of successful development of the country was discovered. The compliance of Ukraine’s legislation with sustainable development goals was also established. This allowed us to get a real picture of the reality of Ukrainians and to propose a possible strategy for sustainable development of the country, a strategy of cultural development that would allow the society to achieve the goals better and to make progress in the modern “world of changes”. A deeper immersion allowed (on the example of the activities and state policies of such states as America, South Korea, and Kazakhstan) to demonstrate the feasibility of introducing the proposed strategy. During the course of the work, proposals were made for further activities of the country in accordance with the strategy of cultural changes.
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