archetypes of the collective unconscious conflict, public policy, public conflict, social conflictAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of 'public conflict' in the system of public administration, the search for a more precise and scientifically-based version of the definition of the concept of 'public conflict'. In the period of global transformations and rapid pace of social development, conflicts arise that take on other forms that are not always related to social conflicts. By this time in the scientific literature mainly exploring and defining the conflict provided as social conflict, meets the definition of a political conflict, however, in terms of informatization and globalization a significant part of conflict situations moving to another is different from the above mentioned forms of conflict as 'public form'. In this article, the author not only introduces a new term 'public conflict', but rather revolutionary (as for conflict science as a science), justifies the need for a comprehensive and comprehensive study of this phenomenon and provides his own vision of the definition of 'Public Conflict'. Trying to explore the essence of 'public conflict' in the article focuses on its influence in the field of public administration, and simultaneously emphasizes that this is only one of the directions of research, the rest of the same directions need to be added to his study of all interested scientific community. Conditionally accepted in the article the term 'public conflict' often occurs in the field of public administration, especially its study of the sphere of public administration. The rational nature of modern conflicts leads to massive innovative activity, which results in dynamic changes in the institutional sphere of public life, including the institutions of the state.
The article analyses the events of recent years, during which there have been dramatic changes in the Ukrainian society, which were constantly accompanied by the intensification of conflict situations because of the contradictory nature of human life, in which each individual one way or another self-determines and selfasserts in the process of conflict-related interaction throughout life. The 'active principle of the ancestral' (according to K. Yung) is currently operating in Ukrainian society by rethinking and returning to the spiritual and moral values of the Ukrainian people, including hereditary ones. The outbreaks of conflict situations in Ukraine testify to the expansion of the social base, the polarization of society in the face of a sharp stratification. Therefore, research into this article of contemporary forms of conflict will provide comprehensive and universal prevention and resolution of conflicts in the future.
The 21st century requires the personality of profound professional, informational knowledge, innovative skills, knowledge of new technologies, the manifestation of such virtues as spirituality and patriotism. In this dynamic of human progress towards sustainable development of a personality, the person always conflicts with his own 'Self' and the social 'We'.
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