complementarity archetype, conscious, unconscious, collective unconscious, social power relations, personality typesAbstract
The article presents the rationale that the archetype of complementarity, as a complementarity, has a deep, intrinsic character to objects or phenomena, which is proved by an analysis of recent scientific research. In modern Ukrainian society, public power relations can be designated by the concept of “deprivation” — loss, mental state, resulting from life situations, when a citizen has no conditions to meet his life needs for a long time. This hampers democratic procedures, the functioning of a liberal economy, the formation of civil society institutions, the need arises to harmonize social relations of power. The contents of the concepts of “consciousness” and “collective unconscious” were analyzed, which allowed to state the following: consciousness is a person’s ability to understand the world and himself through thought and reason, which consists of the following components: sensory-affective, value-willed, abstract-logical, reflective and is acquired in lifetime experience. At the same time, the collective unconscious is not acquired in the lifetime experience of the subject, but exists in his soul at the moment of birth, which are inherited from the ancestors. Therefore, the archetypes are the “mental condensate”, which has become an indispensable heritage of each person, and with each succeeding generation only awakens, not acquired. However, each person through his unique biological abilities and personal life experience assimilates the form of the archetype and its energy in its own way, an important role is played by the personality type. In Ukraine, the dynamics of psychosocial processes are growing at the level of the system-forming factors of the life activity of society and the individual. At the same time, the leadership of state authorities has rationality, being characterized by responsibility, competence, ability to realistically assess facts and events, changing the motivational basis of the behavior of the whole society. Thus, it is confirmed that the archetype of complementarity, based on the binary independent dominants of the conscious and collective unconscious, is an expression of the psychological integrity of a person, group, society, undoubtedly influences the harmonization of modern social and power relations.
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