public management, archetype model, mechanisms of public administration, society, governmental managementAbstract
The article contains relevant information for the modern world. The paper describes the definition of public administration, its mechanisms and models. The influence of public administration on society is revealed. The formation of the public administration process, the historical stages of the development of an archetype model are considered. The archetypal mechanisms of public administration are developed on the background of the created model. The understanding of mechanisms of public administration is considered. It has been determined that public administration tools constitute effective means for mechanisms of development of public administration, their features are analyzed. The influence of public administration on society is revealed.
The necessity of development of mechanisms is proved. Different theories related to this topic are analyzed. The activities of public administration, methods and means of classical management, as well as developed a model of public administration described the basic elements are explored in the article. The theory of representatives of the school of scientific management is considered. The basic archetype models and their levels are developed. The processes of public management using an archetype model are analyzed. The existing conceptual and theoretical positions are summarized. The necessarily of new approaches of managerial influence is revealed. It is proved that public opinion and interests are the principles of the concept of public administration. The concepts of public administration as well as mechanisms are considered. The emphasis is on the mechanisms of public administration. The main features and principles of public administration are revealed. An archetypal model is also singled out, and a brief description is provided. The approach of public administration between state and public institutions to common goals and objectives is determined. It is established that the state should ensure and implement measures to strengthen social stability with the involvement of all strata of the population. Joint activity of the subjects of society requires new forms of cooperation.
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