archetype, civil servant, official, professional and personal developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to clarification of the specificity of the influence of archetype on professionalism in the field of public administration. The article investigates the main aspects of professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development in accordance with their archetypes. Today, domestic scientists are often investigating the archetype of political leaders. The application of archetype methodology in the presented study made it possible to determine that the authority of a civil servant as a personified subject of a postmodern society is a value system of dominant societal properties that specifies the archetype, according to which priorities are set in the choice of imperatives, the principles of achieving legitimacy and management methods, which are used to achieve the management objectives. In this article modern archetypes of different groups of employees of public authorities in Ukraine are proposed and their main archetypal characteristics as the main component of their image are singled out. According to the characteristic features of each of the archetypes of the civil servant, the main problems of their professional and personal development are identified. The necessity of taking an archetypical approach into realization of the basic modern mechanisms of development of civil servants, which promote their professionalism, is substantiated.
Creation of an effective civil service system requires improvement of approaches to the formation of a new type of civil servant guided by such values as selfrealization, professional development, morals, creativity, defending own opinion, self-esteem, etc. Due to this, the level of professional activity increases, the desired status is achieved, which implies a successfully built career. This article provides guidance on how to adapt them to specific aspects such as professionalism, learning and motivation.
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