Hetman, Ukrainian State, Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian State, Ukrainian Sejm, foreign protectorate, State guard, Protofis, provincial elders, atamans, Directory of the UPRAbstract
The proposed research is an analysis of state-building attempts in Ukrainian territories during the period of the Ukrainian revolution, namely, during the time of the Ukrainian State of Pavlo Skoropadsky.
It contains a detailed description of the Hetman government describes features of the interaction of central and local government, the influence of foreign protectorate for the creation, operation and collapse of the Hetman regime that, despite this, wearing the national character. Special attention is given to the reform and innovation, characteristics and reasoning autocracy in management professiogram officials, outlining future plans for state building and cause of the fall of the Ukrainian state. Investigated that large industrial and agricultural bourgeoisie has created its own representative body — the Council of Industry, Trade, Finance and Agriculture, which was intended to promote the restoration of pre-revolutionary economic system (Protofis) with its branches in provinces. Thus, experiencing harassment by the Hetman’s administration, who was a prisoner of economic agreements with Germany and Austria-Hungary, and resisting landowners who wanted to restore the old land and property, the masses were enemies of the new order, which, in fact, contributed the most crash Hetman’s government.
The work presented evidence to suggest practical steps towards an independent state made the times Skoropadskiy: the creation authorities, the struggle for the country, implementation of strong internal and active foreign policy, legislative regulation of public life; Separately, the historical lessons of the described experience of national state construction are emphasized.
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