


country, public policy, animal husbandry, public administration, animal products, population, food security


Attention is focused on the relevance of the issue of accelerated political level of development of the state, updating the priorities and values of the political culture of the population of Ukraine. Typically, such innovation processes require the formation of new tasks of state policy in agricultural production. Research is based on the use of information resources, generalization of scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists, personal observations. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and theoretical approaches to the formation and implementation of state policy in the development of the livestock industry. The necessity of overcoming the crisis phenomena in animal husbandry, one of the leading branches of economic growth of production, requiring the appropriate influence of the state through the formation of public administration and the implementation of effective public policy. The essence of the state policy is defined, which is a set of forms, methods, principles and tools by which the state provides influence on the activities of livestock enterprises and the functioning of the market of livestock products.

It is proved that one of the directions of the state policy is the expansion of opportunities for livestock use of modern technologies for the production of new types of high-quality livestock products. It is established that not only the socioeconomic development of the state, but also the level of its food security depends on the existing problems in animal husbandry. Therefore, the state policy, with the help of the adopted state and political decisions, should regulate the constantly emerging human needs in animal products with the possibility of the state and society to meet them. Accordingly, the need to direct public policy measures to improve state support, which provides for the implementation, through funding from the state budget, innovative renovation and regulation of production activities of livestock enterprises. It is proposed to the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine to develop measures of scientifically sound and effective state policy, which would ensure the development of competitive livestock in the domestic and foreign markets.


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How to Cite

Лаврук, О. (2019). STATE POLICY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN UKRAINE. Public Management, (1 (16), 74-83.


