dialogue, interaction, communication, state, informational and communicative policy, social doctrine of the Church, mission, religion, civil society, freedom, democracyAbstract
This article is devoted to one of the topical issues in state governance — the development and strengthening of constructive interaction between the Church and the state. An important factor in the dialogue between the state and religious organizations is the information and communicative policy.
The expediency of analyzing the current state of relations between the state and the Church in Ukraine is confirmed by the need to develop new models of statechurch relations that meet the requirements of a modern democratic country and a developed civil society. After the collapse of the atheistic regime of the Soviet Union, in the context of globalization processes, the comprehensive introduction of information technologies and the establishment of a humanistic concept of the development of mankind, religious problems of understanding life take on new meaning. The development of church communication in this new spiritual, social, economic and political reality is experiencing a certain transformation. The deepening of religiosity, spirituality and morality of a modern person becomes a part of the system of government, and the relationship between the Church and the state is a necessary condition for the further development of the modern world. Without taking into account the religious factor, it is difficult for the state to build a harmonious system of social relations.
The urgent issues of state and Church relations remain key to public administration. That is why it is so important to identify the main contours of information and communication policy, the theoretical and methodological principles of relations between the state and religious organizations. Such a problem becomes important in the context of the strengthening of the influence of the Christian Churches of Ukraine on the processes of building a democratic society.
The urgency of this topic is due to the fact that the problems of relations between the state and the Church are constantly in the focus of state leaders, leaders of political parties, church hierarchs and scholars. Information and communicative policy of the state in the field of religion was and remains the subject of constant discussions between theorists and practices of public administration. In the course of the analysis, the author determines that the state’s information and communicative policy in the field of religion and the development of the church communication themselves have great potential, but scientists and managers do not sufficiently take into account the direct influence of the Church on the life of Ukrainian society. In addition, the author points out ways to expand the dialogue between the Church and the state. The types of church communication are studied. It is determined that effective organization of church communication and information and communicative policy of the state in the field of religion, which corresponds to the principles of democracy, freedom of speech and beliefs, contribute to a significant strengthening of the spiritual unity of the people.
In conclusion, the author provides solutions to possible problems in the development of church communication. At the current stage of development of the Ukrainian state, due to the emergence of political and social problems and tensions in society, the need for the integration of religion, Christian theology, and the social doctrine of the Church in the processes of state formation has also increased. At the same time, the emergence of global problems of humanity leads to the need to use the synergy of religion and science, the search for solutions to world conflicts by combining the efforts of representatives of religion, state, political forces and civil society. Accordingly, the author points to the need for a permanent dialogue between the Church and the state.
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