scope of foreign relations, external relations, foreign affairs, international relations, essence of the conceptAbstract
The undergoing reform of the executive authorities as well as the emergence of new political and legal realities requires a rethinking of a number of theoretical provisions regarding the implementation of state administration in the field of foreign relations in order to find new forms and mechanisms that would improve the efficiency of Ukraine’s foreign policy to ensure national interests and security of our state, which is facing the unprecedented challenges and threats caused by Russian aggression of the “hybrid” nature, turbulent changes of the international security environment, as well as global transformations of the world political architectonics.
In this context, the definition of the essence of the concept “scope of foreign relations” as well as the substantiation of expediency of its application in modern state governance is considered relevant. In modern Ukrainian scientific literature, official documents, legislative acts the terms as “foreign relations”, “external relations”, “foreign affairs” and “international relations” are widely used as synonymous, although it not always properly characterizes the subject and field of activity.
The article reveals the essence of the concept “scope of foreign relations” and defines it as a sphere that covers official communications and ties between states and other subjects of international law, conducted by specialized state bodies in order to perform their external functions by peaceful means in accordance with the basic principles of international law.
The essence of the categories as: “external relations”, “foreign relations”, “foreign affairs” and “international relations”, is defined as well as the correlation between them is made.
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