public administration, meritocracy, meritocratic principle, selection of personnel, examinations in the selection of personnel in the system of public administration, management personnelAbstract
The article analyzed different systems of selection through examinations for public administration. The analysis of the selection of personnel for public service in France, Singapore, Japan, and China has been analyzed. The system of exams does not allow us to comprehensively analyze the skills and abilities of a future specialist. So, attention is paid to communicative abilities, as well as psychological peculiarities of the future manager. In our opinion, the system of exams does not allow us to comprehensively analyze the skills and abilities of a future specialist. So, attention is paid to communicative abilities, as well as psychological peculiarities of the future manager. The system of forming a management elite meritocratic principle must take several stages. The first stage is testing prior to studying at a higher educational institution, in order to identify the psychological features of a future specialist, as well as his ability to think and control analytically. The next stage is the preparation of a specialist taking into account the needs of the society in certain knowledge (economics, public administration, international relations, knowledge in history, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, knowledge of European and world law). The third stage is the testing and passing of the exam in order to determine whether a specialist has mastered the knowledge, and also to determine the level of its capabilities. If a specialist has ratings below average — he is recommended to either retrain or work in the private sector. When successful completion of final examinations (which are exams on the ability of the future manager), it is recommended for appointment to certain positions.
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