



the state, governance, infrastructure, social infrastructure, management of the social infrastructure of the small city, the social infrastructure of the small city, the problem of control processes of creation of social infrastructure


The article deals with the features of the state influence on the development of social infrastructure of a small town, the reasons for the need for state regulation of social infrastructure. The reasons for the need for state regulation of a number of sectors of social infrastructure are hidden in the very nature of this sphere. Social infrastructure industries produce services and related goods, and are a public good designed to meet not only individual but also social needs. The great role of the state in regulating the development of social infrastructure is explained by the solution of the social problem — ensuring normal living conditions for all members of society. The state relies on a socially-oriented approach in its activities, implementing it within the framework of systemic socio-economic management.

The most General, characteristic features of social infrastructure sectors are defined, considering them as an important specific component of the social sphere as a whole. The main ones are: a variety of types of services of social infrastructure, their functional purpose and the degree of importance for the consumer; different degree of consumer participation in the process of obtaining services; variety of organizational forms and methods of customer service; two-level availability of services: individual and group; different combination of state and commercial forms of activity and management; the local nature of economic entities operating in the social sphere; the active development of industries and the emergence of a wide variety of new services. These features of the social infrastructure are interconnected to varying degrees and exist in complex combinations. Various combinations of their interaction have a significant impact on all aspects of the functioning and development of the infrastructure as a whole and its individual industries. In addition, within each industry due to the specifics of the social sphere has its own distinctive features, features, properties and features that affect the organization of its activities and the possibility of internal reforms.


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How to Cite

Серьогіна-Берестовська, О. (2019). FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE. Public Management, (1 (16), 195-205. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-16-1-195-205


