political parties, political system, election process, interaction, relations during election process, relations beyond the election processAbstract
Based on analysis, it was found that presently stable legislatively regulated relations have been formed between the state and the political parties of Ukraine, both during the election process and beyond it. The political parties are willing to exert a direct impact on the state policies, and protect the interests of their members and voters. Furthermore, the parties present an indispensable resource for various structures within public authorities.
The relations between the political parties and the state have been formulated and characterized according to the political process stages in the regulatory and institutional field. It is proposed to distinguish between two main groups of relations, and namely: relations during an election process, and those beyond it. Within the election process, procedural, organizational, and information relations beyond the framework of the election process have been explored i.e. advisory, staffing, contractual, executive support, and project relations.
It has been determined that relations within the framework of the election process are characterized as joint activity of the state and the parties in implementation of electoral procedures and actions which lay the foundation for elections and provide realization of the electoral rights of the citizens. It is recommended to elaborate the requirements to fielded candidates, as well as to the procedure of enrollment on a list of nominees for deputy. In order to provide an equal access of all the election participants to election process, it has been suggested to create the Commission on information arguments under the Central Electoral Commission, which will be engaged exclusively in handling complained infringement of election legislation by mass media representatives.
It has been summarized that in project relations an important point is ensuring the parties’ engagement in preparation of local development programs. Consequently, the need for legislative consolidation of the terms and nature of cooperation has been substantiated.
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