



recreation, recreational activity, institutional mechanism, organizational mechanism, state regulation, mechanisms of state regulation


The theoretical foundations in the research of institutional support of mechanisms of state regulation of recreational sphere development are systematized and specified.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the institutional support of the recreation sector is shaped by state and non-governmental organizational structures created at different levels of the mechanism and implementing their decisions through the methods of public administration in the recreational sphere within their powers. There are close subordination, coordination and coordination relationships between these organizational structures. The analysis of the functional purpose of the main institutional actors in the recreational sphere is carried out.

The problematic issues of the current state of institutional provision of mechanisms of state regulation of the recreational sphere development in Ukraine are determined. It is noted that the complexity of its regulation lies in the fact that in Ukraine there is not a clear, unified system of state regulation of the recreational sphere, and therefore certain aspects of it in our state are now under the control of many state bodies (ministries, services, agencies).

It was emphasized that in the system of state management of recreational sphere there is no body that is responsible for carrying out exclusively functions of management of recreational territories; in fact, all state authorities have management functions in relation to reactionary territories and recreational resources, along with functions of management of other resources, objects, territories . The administrative activity of the authorities is aimed at solving the problems of organization, protection of recreational territories and the use of recreational resources to the same extent as for the fulfillment of other tasks in various spheres of society’s activity.

The directions of optimization of the institutional mechanism of state regulation of the recreational sphere development are outlined. It is noted that the organizational and economic mechanism should be based on the formation of regional institutions that would allow to concentrate and coordinate the efforts of all subjects of recreational activity in order to achieve the optimal level of recreational potential at the regional level.


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How to Cite

Близнюк, А. (2018). FEATURES OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OF MECHANISMS OF STATE REGULATION OF RECREATION SPHERE DEVELOPMENT. Public Management, (5 (15), 42-52. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-42-52


