



state administration, bureaucracy, bureaucratic management, bureaucratic dysfunctions, state manager, state functions, state-power authorities


The article is devoted to the study of the nature and essence of bureaucracy as a phenomenon of state-political reality. The author notes that for a long time the concept of bureaucratic management was recognized as the most rational and effective in the European tradition of public administration. However, today there is no single approach to understanding the essence of the bureaucracy, as well as its relationship with such concepts as public administration, public management, government apparatus, etc. In this regard, scientific research into the nature and essence of bureaucratic management , which, in turn, will help to avoid further terminological and ideological-ideological confusion.

The author notes that today in the scientific community there are two diametrically opposed approaches to the definition of bureaucracy as a phenomenon of state-legal reality: the first approach is the quintessence of analysis of anti-bureaucratic Marxist criticism, which even in today’s conditions has not lost its relevance, and its basic provisions are scientific interest in studying the problems of public administration; The essence is briefly reduced to fixing the dysfunctions of the public management system; The essence of the second approach is the identification of the latter with government, when bureaucracy is understood as a ratio nally organized system of public administration, creates the most effective mechanism for implementing managerial decisions.

In the article it was proposed to proceed from the understanding of the bureaucracy as a structured and hierarchically constructed system of highly skilled intellectual workers who have a high level of professional training, intelligent backgrounds, an unblemished reputation, ideological education in the spirit of priority of nationwide well-being, are appointed to posts by competitive selection and qualitatively carry out their professional activities to perform the functions of state darstva. The author also notes that all the “negative” signs of bureaucratic management that are distinguished by scientists should be considered as dysfunctions of the bureaucracy. Thus, shifting the emphasis from the struggle against bureaucracy, attention should be focused on identifying negative factors in the implementation of public administration and working out ways to overcome them.


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How to Cite

Іваненко, О. (2018). BUREAUCRATIC MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: SPECIAL ISSUES. Public Management, (5 (15), 98-111. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2018-15-5-98-111


