corruption, mechanisms of counteraction to corruption, counteraction to corruption, anti-corruption legislation, NABU, public controlAbstract
The article analyzes the state of scientific developments and international research in the field of state regulation of the fight against corruption and organized crime. The main determinants of the phenomenon of corruption and factors of the formation of organized crime are considered in the light of modern advances in the fields of philosophy, sociology and law. An attempt was made to systematize the main features of the regulation of the fight against corruption and organized crime, which differ in aggregating the corruption ratings offered by the Global Competitiveness Index. The state of the legislative base, the positive and negative dynamics of the state regulation mechanisms of the fight against corruption and organized crime activity are analyzed. The problems of implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Strategy Implementation Program, which is a reliable political document, but does not have a separate budget, are considered, and at the same time anti-corruption institutions have significant budget allocations, and support of donors also helps to implement.
The state and sources of the origin of organized crime in Ukraine are analyzed. Based on data published in domestic and international studies on anti-corruption and organized crime, it has been established that eradicating corruption is an important aspect of the fight against organized crime. Therefore, the fight against corruption should be comprehensive.
Considering the components of anticorruption policy, we conclude that the most important task for Ukraine now is to ensure the stability of the institutional structure and strengthen anti-corruption efforts that constantly undermine the ruling elite, the activation of public institutions, their participation in international monitoring and the monitoring mission of the institutes of anticorruption policy in Ukraine.
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