


systematic approach, decision-making, analysis, decision, emergency, factor


The current system of public administration, which is endowed with administrative and legal authorities, cannot completely fulfill its task of protecting the population and territories from emergency, so it is urgent improvements in prevention and elimination of emergency.

System approach to management — this is not a set of rules or guidelines to be followed by managers, and the general way of thinking and approach to organization and management. The essence of the system approach is to find a simple to complex, decomposition of the problem into its component parts.

The purpose of using systems analysis concerning the specific problem is to increase the degree of validity of the decision taken, the expansion of a variety of options, including the selection, while indicating ways of discarding options that are inferior to others.

System analysis which used in solving such problems as the distribution of resources between departments, determine future needs for new equipment and workers of different skill forecasting the demand for various types of works in emergencies.

Reducing the time for development, adoption and implementation of management decisions, increase uncertainty and risk, the need to attract additional resources from the reserves, the availability of different modes of functioning of the public administration in emergency suggest that governance in this area has certain peculiarities. Taking them into account in the work of public administration in emergency will enable to reduce the likelihood of inappropriate decision-making, will help save resources and time in emergencies, and reduce losses.

Thus, the basis of decision-making using system analysis is the general approach used by managers, considering the influence in each particular situation of all factors: technical, economic, social and psychological.


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How to Cite

Терент’єва, А. (2018). SYSTEM ANALYSIS AS A METHOD OF DECISION MAKING. Public Management, (5 (15), 255-264.


