



territorial community, development strategy, structural analysis, business environment, local authorities, decentralization.


Abstract. The goal is to consider strategic planning as a key tool for the socio-economic development of territorial communities. The methodology and research design included a detailed analysis and description of the key elements of the strategic plan, which include defined goals, methods of achieving them, development and implementation of tasks, as well as the necessary resources and measures for their implementation. It was emphasized that the main purpose of strategic planning is to develop long-term plans for the comprehensive development of territories, to establish sustainable development goals and to choose effective strategies corresponding to the competences of local self-government. The scientific novelty of the publication is the implemented author’s approach to the analysis of the importance of adapting strategic planning to the changing conditions of the economic environment. Emphasis is placed on how global and local economic transformations, including swings from growth to stagnation and decline, influence the development of strategic planning tools. The authors of the article conduct a structural analysis of existing development strategies, including an assessment of various strategic planning documents, an analysis of legislative provisions regulating strategic planning, as well as numerical characteristics of socio-economic development strategies. Content analysis allows for a detailed assessment of the quality of the main structural components of strategies, and also conducts a comparative analysis of these elements. Conclusions. Criteria for meaningful analysis are proposed, which cover a wide range of aspects, including strategic analysis, determination of competitive advantages, role in the state, formulation of main strategic goals, definition of development scenarios, risk assessment, spatial development, resource provision and target indicators. The main contribution of the article is the development of a comprehensive methodology for regulating and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of regional socio-economic development strategies, which can be used as a methodological base for the development, implementation and monitoring of the effectiveness of regional economic systems.


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How to Cite

Бурик, М. М., & Джегур, Г. В. (2024). TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY: POSITIVE EXAMPLES OF FORMATION AND IMPLEMENTATION. Public Management, (2 (39), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2024-2(39)-1


