management mechanism, interaction, business, entrepreneurship, state, partnership, state authorities, economy, martial law.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the work. Elucidation of the management mechanism for ensuring interaction between the state and business in conditions of uncertainty. Methodology. The study is based on the principles of the theory of public administration, the achievements of modern scientific thought, and normative and legal documents. The methodological toolkit involves the use of both general scientific methods of cognition and special ones. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method, thanks to which the essence of the management mechanism was clarified, and the peculiarities of the aspect of the phenomenon under study were outlined. The method of systematization provided an opportunity to group scientific approaches to the main areas of interaction between the state and business in the context of modern challenges. The application of methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to distinguish relevant concepts and phenomena, to carry out comparative characteristics of various scientific approaches to the interaction between the state and entrepreneurship. The modeling method was used to determine further areas of improvement in the researched area. Scientific novelty. There was further development of the generalization regarding the main form of interaction – the regional program of interaction, agreed with the authorized representatives of both parties and adopted in the form of a regional legal act, which is mandatory for implementation by all business entities of the region and executive bodies of local self-government; the developed strategy must be adjusted in the event of changes occurring or predicted in the markets or in the external environ ment, and under conditions of fierce competition. The conceptual-categorical apparatus of the study was refined by interpreting the essence of the interaction between the state and business as a two-way directed process of the joint activity of government and entrepreneurship, focused on the development of the socio-economic sphere as a whole, as well as its individual elements in view of their economic interests and resources. Conclusions. The process of reforming power should be manifested not so much in structural and organizational restructuring, but in the improvement of practical activities and the mechanism of implementation of goals and objectives aimed at the socio-economic development of regions and the state in general. The understanding of the need for interaction between the government and business, social consensus consists in mobilizing the potential of the entire community for the recovery/reconstruction and development of the country, economic growth, competitiveness and raising the standard of living of the citizens of the state. At the initial stages, the administration should facilitate the identification of crisis situations and the establishment of a set of preventive measures (actions) for anti-crisis management of the economic system. The business community, as a part of civil society, must participate together with the authorities at all levels in the development, adjustment and implementation of the state's economic strategy, the development of normative legal acts, the passage of state, regional and local programs, social reforms, discussion and influence on decision-making on issues reconstruction both at the state and local levels through various tools of interaction. It is possible to support the stimulation of economic growth by introducing complex programs of financial support, providing tax incentives, as well as developing special programs for small and medium-sized enterprises and attracting investments in new industries and innovative projects. It is necessary to work out within the framework of the current legislative field a general all-purpose approach and formulate tasks that will satisfy the interests of both parties.
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