e-government, challenges, cyber threats, public administration, politics, service provision, digitization, digitalization.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the work is to identify the main threats and challenges faced by e-government initiatives in the modern context and to formulate proposals for mitigating the consequences of the identified threats and challenges. Methodology. The theoretical approaches in the works of scientists regarding the identification of modern challenges and threats in the e-government system were considered, and modern methodological approaches were applied to determine the level of development of e-government and cyber threats based on world ratings (e-Government Development Index, National Cyber Security Index). Graphical methods of comparison are used in the analysis of indicators. Scientific novelty. Key issues related to the development of e-government (guaranteeing cyber security, privacy protection, resistance to change, organizational dynamics, corruption abuses) have been identified. The main ways to overcome obstacles to the implementation of e-government in Ukraine are identified: regular technological audit, constant monitoring of technological trends, creation of innovation hubs, development of technological skills, change management and overcoming resistance, communication and leadership development. Conclusions. Electronic governance requires adaptability and strategic forecasting due to the dynamic nature of the specified area. Provided it is effectively implemented, it can make the public administration system more transparent and citizen-oriented. At the same time, there are challenges – cyber security risks, data privacy issues, resistance to change. Expected technological development trends (blockchain, artificial intelligence) will determine the future of e-government, creating new opportunities and anticipating threats. Therefore, the state must anticipate future trends and use innovations to build sustainable e-government systems, overcoming certain development difficulties.
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