

financial security, financial sector, financial stability, legislative management mechanism, financial system.


Abstract. The purpose of the work was to study new strategic documents, provisions, and legal norms that serve as a basis for the regulatory and legal support of the activities of central executive bodies, state collegial bodies, and interdepartmental bodies that manage financial security in its various directions. The research methodology is based on the analysis of normative legal acts as a legislative support for public management in the field of financial security (strategies, concepts, laws and provisions that regulate the activities of management subjects in this field). The scientific novelty of the work consists in the selection of types of legislative mechanisms of public administration according to the status of subjects of administration (central bodies of executive power or state collegial bodies) and their functions. Conclusions. In the context of the European integration of Ukraine, a number of legislative changes and initiatives related to the management activities of executive authorities in the field of ensuring financial security have been implemented. The provisions of their operation, the list of tasks and powers in accordance with the requirements and challenges that exist in the financial sphere have been approved. Accordingly, this has a positive effect on the demarcation of powers of management subjects for more effective performance of their functions. Since the beginning of 2014, provisions and legislation have been developed and adopted, which regulate the principles, tasks, work powers of the main subjects of state administration, responsible for various areas of ensuring financial security, countering existing risks and threats. In addition, the new legal norms ensured the improvement of the legislative mechanism of financial stability management, the institutional development of the subjects responsible for the state of the financial system, its development. The establishment of the Financial Stability Council as an interagency body modeled on leading EU countries demonstrates the strengthening of institutional capacity as a basis for ensuring effective state governance in the studied area. Further research should be directed to the study of international standards for ensuring financial security and the possibility of their implementation in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Штанцель, С. Е. (2024). LEGISLATIVE MECHANISMS FOR MANAGING FINANCIAL SECURITY IN THE STATE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM. Public Management, (2 (39), 85-91. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/public-management/article/view/4427


