mechanisms of public administration, the state, efficiency of public administration, control, public administration, subjects of public administration, control in public administrationAbstract
The article examines the issue of control in public administration, defines its essence, role and main functions. The author states that control in public administration has its own specifics, which is aimed at achieving a specific result and eliminating certain obstacles that appear in the implementation of public administration activities. The purpose of the article is a theoretical study of control in public administration and determination of its essential features, role and functions. In the proposed article, it is determined that control in public administration is understood as a control activity that refers to an important function of public authorities and management, which provides for and tries to prevent and eliminate in the event of errors in the actions of subjects of public authorities, local self-government for effective and productive social and state development. The author determined that the essence of control in the field of public administration is to create conditions in which effective functioning of public authorities, local self-government, and institutions of civil society is possible, which involves monitoring, obtaining information, and taking measures to create conditions for the development of public and national interests. In addition, the article states that control in public administration ensures obtaining objective and reliable information about the state of legality and discipline. Based on the analysis of scientific articles, the author outlined that control in public administration itself performs the following functions: informational and analytical, preventive, corrective, stabilizing, law enforcement or (disciplinary). Conclusions. It is determined that Control is one of the main functions of management and is its final stage of the cycle of the entire process and at the same time the basis of the beginning of a new cycle. Control in public administration is designed to ensure compliance with planned goals, norms and discipline in the activities of authorities, local self-government and institutions of civil society.
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