
  • Olena Vitaliyivna Vozhol Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Management and Civil Service of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv




institutional adaptability, digital transformation, managerial transparency, anti-corruption mechanisms, innovative approaches.


Abstract. The issue addressed in this study concerns the dual nature of bureaucracy in the process of state governance modernization. On one hand, it ensures stability and professionalism, while on the other hand, it creates corruption risks, inertia, and hampers innovation. The foundation of the research lies in analyzing contemporary trends in public administration, which consider the need to reduce the negative aspects of bureaucracy and enhance its positive functions. An analysis of recent studies and publications demonstrates a wide range of views on the role of bureaucracy in state governance. In particular, its positive aspects, such as process rationalization and the creation of transparent governance mechanisms, are contrasted with challenges such as the hypertrophy of regulatory procedures, corruption, and the lack of an innovative approach. Special attention is given to the impact of bureaucratic culture on the effectiveness of civil servants, where research results indicate the ambiguity of this influence. The purpose of the article is to analyze bureaucracy as both a positive and negative phenomenon in the context of state governance modernization. The core material of the article is based on an interdisciplinary approach, which combines sociology, political science, economics, and public administration. The methods of content analysis, comparative analysis, and critical discourse were used to assess current governance practices in Ukraine. The study highlights the introduction of e-government, which promotes process transparency and increases citizens’ trust in government institutions. Empirical analysis revealed that the implementation of digital competencies among civil servants would reduce administrative costs by 20% and decrease service delivery time by 25%. In conclusion, it is noted that governance modernization is impossible without the comprehensive transformation of bureaucratic structures. This includes the introduction of effective anti-corruption mechanisms, digitalization of services, building institutional capacity, and the development of public oversight. The results of the research can serve as the basis for further scientific investigations into improving bureaucratic mechanisms in the context of modern challenges.


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How to Cite

Вожол, О. В. (2025). BUREAUCRACY AS A POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE PHENOMENON IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERNISATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Public Management, (4 (41), 6-12. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2024-4(41)-1


