



mechanism, public administration, socio-economic development, territorial communities, local governments, region, territory, decentralization, internally displaced persons, business relocation, resources, local taxes.


Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of public management of socio-economic development of communities in the conditions of modern challenges, which is due to the study of modern features and further development directions. Methodology. The materials of the study are: regulatory and legal documents on the study of socio-economic development of communities; scientific works of researchers, which clarify modern approaches to the socio-economic development of territorial communities, directions and risks of local economic development in war conditions, analyze modern mechanisms of community development and tools for the restoration of territories, socio-economic potential of communities in the conditions of martial law. Obtaining results is built on the fundamental provisions of public administration, economics, and achievements of modern scientific thought. The following methods were used in the research process: the dialectical method (made it possible to study the dynamics of socio-economic development, its tools), the systematization method (made it possible to group scientific approaches to the main problems of the phenomenon under study in modern conditions), the analysis and synthesis method (to establish the components of the resource potential and risks of socio-economic development of communities), the generalization method (made it possible to build a conceptual flowchart of the directions of socio-economic development of communities in the conditions of modern challenges). Scientific novelty. It was determined that the conditions of martial law led to the presence of new participants in the process of local socio-economic development of communities – internally displaced persons and relocated businesses, the formation of new types of interaction and the formation of an effective business infrastructure taking into account the security component. The relocation of business and internally displaced persons changed the socio-economic development of communities, which is justified by new opportunities for building their potential based on the activation of business activity, the creation of new jobs, the ability to reduce the burden on the local budget and support the appropriate level of consumer demand of the population. A number of problems of communities under martial law have been identified and priority measures in this direction have been identified, which are universal for all communities. The change in management approaches of local governments is due to internally displaced persons, where the most difficult task was their integration into the socio-economic life of communities and led to an increase in the burden on local social infrastructure, an increase in local budget expenditures, the implementation of programs and projects to support them, and the provision of additional social services. Results. The determinants of the violation of the financial sustainability of communities (destruction of infrastructure, housing, reduction of economic activity, fall in the level of real incomes of the population, demographic crisis) have been established, which has led to a number of measures at different levels of government to stabilize the situation. The dependence of local budgets on targeted transfers from the state budget indicates insufficient autonomy in the management of funds received from the state. The ways to solve the problem include improving the local financing mechanism (tax reform), which will contribute to the full financial independence of local governments. The importance of forming a system of financial support for the competitiveness of communities, which provides for the availability of sufficient funding for the implementation of projects, territorial development programs to improve the quality of life of the population, the formation of attractive conditions for business development, and the attraction of investors, is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Джегур, Г. В., & Стілл, А. В. (2025). FEATURES OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN CHALLENGES. Public Management, (4 (41), 13-26. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2024-4(41)-2


