


security, national security, strategic planning, personnel security, public administration, professional development of personnel, stability of government bodies, management efficiency, development of public administration.


Abstract. The purpose is to analyze modern approaches to human resources management in public administration. Methodology. The methodological basis of the dissertation research was the fundamental provisions of the science of public administration and general scientific principles of the analysis of social phenomena and processes, as well as the works of leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The study was based on a systematic method of cognition, on the basis of which the essence of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study was clarified, including the concepts of «personnel policy», «personnel policy in the public administration system», «personnel policy in the public service». Scientific novelty. Strategic planning of personnel security in public administration is a key aspect for ensuring the stability and efficiency of the functioning of state bodies. In modern conditions, when state structures face numerous challenges and threats, not only the efficiency of their work depends on the effectiveness of personnel security, but also the public’s trust in state institutions. This paper analyzes the fundamentals of strategic planning for human resources security, focusing on the integration of human resources into the overall strategy of public administration. It examines a conceptual approach to the formation and implementation of a human resources security strategy, which includes forecasting possible threats, identifying key tasks and mechanisms for their implementation. Conclusions. The main components of strategic planning for personnel security include the analysis of external and internal threats, the development and implementation of a strategy, the implementation of a monitoring and control system, as well as the assessment of results and correction of the strategy. The analysis of external and internal threats includes the identification of risks that may negatively affect personnel security, such as corruption, abuse of power, insufficient qualifications of personnel or ineffective management decisions. The development and implementation of the strategy involves the creation of a comprehensive action plan, which includes improving the procedures for selecting and training personnel, the implementation of a system of continuous training and advanced training, as well as the creation of clear rules for assessing and controlling the activities of civil servants. The implementation of a monitoring and control system allows the development of mechanisms for constant monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of strategic measures, which helps to identify and respond to new threats in a timely manner. The assessment of results and correction of the strategy includes a regular analysis of the results of the implemented measures and adjustment of the strategy if necessary, which ensures the flexibility of strategic planning to adapt to new conditions and challenges. The importance of strategic planning of personnel security lies in the fact that it allows not only to prevent negative consequences, but also to ensure the stability and efficiency of the work of state bodies. The implementation of an effective personnel security strategy contributes to increasing public trust in state authorities, strengthening the moral climate in government bodies and increasing the overall efficiency of public administration. Thus, strategic planning of personnel security is an important tool for ensuring the stability and development of public administration in the face of modern challenges and changes.


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How to Cite

Лях, В. М., & Жупан, Д. Б. (2025). STRATEGIC PLANNING OF PERSONNEL SECURITY IN THE STATE ADMINISTRATION. Public Management, (4 (41), 41-46.


