



associations of local governments, European Union, local self-government, representation of communities’ interests, decentralization, financial autonomy, bureaucratic barriers, legal aspects, management structure.


Abstract. The article explores the features of associations of local governments and their significant role in the countries of the European Union. These associations ensure the representation of local communities’ interests at both the national and European levels. The main tasks of such associations include advocating for political decisions, supporting democratic processes, promoting sustainable development, and enhancing the professional qualifications of local government employees. At the same time, the activities of associations of local governments are characterized by specific features that depend on the legal and political context of each country. In the European Union, these associations possess substantial lobbying powers, receive regular funding from a state and European institutions, and collaborate within European organisztions, such as the Council of European Municipalities and Regions and the European Committee of the Regions. Key challenges for European associations of local governments include bureaucratic barriers and the need for coordination among numerous members, whichs complicate the decision- making process. Despite these challenges, most associations effectively address these issues through regular funding, a well-functioning management structure, and active participation in the decision-making process at the EU level. Studying the European experience of associations of local governments has a practical value for Ukraine. The associations of local governments in Ukraine could adapt relevant models to enhance the efficiency of local self-government and its integration into European standards.


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How to Cite

Слобожан, О. В. (2025). FEATURES OF ACTIVITIES OF ASSOCIATIONS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN THE EU COUNTRIES. Public Management, (4 (41), 76-84. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2024-4(41)-9


