material and technical support, Treasury bodies, resource support, theory of archetypesAbstract
The article notes that the theory of archetypes was developed by Carl Jung as part of the doctrine of the collective unconscious. It is noted that in modern conditions of reforming the society, public administration, transition to the latest information technologies, the smooth functioning of the system of the Treasury bodies and management of all available resources is extremely important: material, labour, financial, etc. That is why the problem of adequate resource support in the Treasury is extremely acute. In order to effectively implement the state policy in the field of treasury servicing of budget funds, the Treasury bodies must be adequately provided with resources. An assessment of the current state of resource support of the Treasury in terms of three important components is made, namely: purchase of items, materials, equipment and inventory; payment for services (except utilities); purchase of equipment and durable goods. Problematic issues concerning the material and technical support of the Treasury bodies are considered. The range of achievements in terms of improving the material and technical support of the Treasury is highlighted. The principles of further optimization of resource support of the Treasury bodies are substantiated, namely: submission of substantiated proposals to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on approval of budget allocations for the purchase of modern computer equipment, office equipment, software; search for alternative financial resources for refinement, modernization of the existing software (development and approval at the regional level of programs for the modernization of the material and technical support of the Treasury and receiving a subvention from the local budget to the state budget for expenditures); creation of appropriate sanitary and living conditions for effective performance of functional duties of the employees (gradual arrangement of the workplaces with fans, air conditioning and humidification systems).
Архетипы — современный подход: веб-сайт. URL: https://mytype.ru/arhetypes (дата звернення 06.02.2021).
Державне управління : навч. посіб./ А. Ф. Мельник, О. Ю. Оболенський, А. Ю. Васіна, Л. Ю. Гордієнко. Київ : Знання-Прес, 2003. 343 с.
Про схвалення Концепції розвитку цифрової економіки та суспільства України на 2018–2020 роки та затвердження плану заходів щодо її реалізації : розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 17 січня 2018 р. № 67-р. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua (дата звернення: 06.01.2021).
Інформація щодо матеріально-технічного забезпечення органів Казначейства у Харківській області у 2015–2019 рр.