Olympic myth, sports-diplomatic relations, mystical nocturne, anthropological ferry, imaginer, sociology of imagination, the theory of imaginaryAbstract
The article analyses the Olympic myth based on two regimes of the imaginary according to G. Durand’s theory. After reviewing this approach in detail, it was proved that the Olympic myth is a necessary element of a person’s socio-political life, which accompanies him throughout his life and forms the imagination about sports and sports diplomacy. It is proved that it is both an epistemological basis and a source of human imagination in contrast to day and night content, recalling, in particular, extraversion related to the day, activity, light and introversion related to night rest, passivity and darkness. In G. Durand’s system, special attention is paid to the three structures associated with the two regimes. Examples of heroic diurnal, dramatic nocturne are given, and it is also determined that it is a manifestation of the mystical nocturne and anthropological trajectory in sports diplomacy. The study of the Olympic myth based on this methodology will reveal a new subjectivity of psychological processes of human imagination. It is shown that the essence of sports and diplomatic relations is to recognize that it is a means used by the imagination under the influence of ancient mythology. In the context of Durand’s theory, the main known Olympic myths and four main periods of the progress of sports-diplomatic relations are analysed. The article examines the activities of states such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, North Korea and others. The author found that it is the mystical nocturne that dominates diplomacy and has more grounds to influence the imagination in the social environment. There is no doubt that this theory can outline the sports and diplomatic events of states, the possible prospects for their development, considering the formation of further ideas.
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