

fire safety, mechanisms and methods of public administration, approximation, antiterrorist operation, dynamic programming, “brainstorming”, dogma, State Emergency Service


The article analyzes the basic principles of the choice of methods for implementation of the mechanisms of state control of the field of fire safety. Considered the necessary factors to consider when choosing the principles. A detailed analysis of the SAST (Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing) and MAI (hierarchy analysis method) is carried out.

It is determined that the structural subdivision on the decision of the fire safety issues in the DSNC should choose those methods that should be used to effectively address the problem or solve the problem in the field of fire safety taking into account each stage of the decision-making process. Therefore, this structural unit on fire safety issues must formulate a document (program, plan, etc.), which will reflect the schedule and algorithm for solving the problem or solving the problem, and for each stage of the decision — the results of evaluation of its possible duration and method or set methods for each stage of the solution of the problem (solution of the problem).

It is noted that the methods previously selected for each stage of the solution of the problem in the field of fire safety, can not be considered a dogma. This is due, first of all, to a variety of changes in the external and internal environment of the field of fire safety, which occur or may occur over time. Taking into account such changes may lead to the replacement of the chosen method first for the appropriate stage of the solution of the problem or the solution of the problem to more effective, taking into account the conditions.

It is substantiated that replacing the method with the best in the solution of the problem in the field of fire safety or solving the problem requires the obligatory establishment of feedback, which can be used in a timely manner to identify a less effective method that was not considered to be so before the unforeseen changes or circumstances, for example, of the external environment: political events, military actions, rising energy costs, economic crisis, etc.


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How to Cite

Андрієнко , М., & Гаман , П. (2018). ANALYSIS OF EXISTING METHODS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC FIRE SECURITY MANAGEMENT. Public Management, (2 (12), 56-69. Retrieved from


