

leader, innovative leadership, elite, image, public administration


In this article is considered the conceptual basis of innovative institutionalization of political leadership and the leaders themselves submitted as modern elite. It emphasizes the innovative leader by nature, on the one hand, is part of the social system, on the other hand, is actually above it. The leader of this type, changes the social landscape and the world around him to achieve the public interest.

Studies of the innovative role of political leaders in social development are closely related to comparing them with the new political elite formation. In this context, theoretical approaches are analyzed and synthesized to understand the essential characteristics and social significance of the elite.

The mechanism of identification of innovative political leader is being disclosed. Regarding the diversity of approaches of domestic political leaders to form their own image, in the study, there are three main areas: traditional, hyper modernistic, and the method of optimal cooperation. For innovative leader as a representative of the political elite, the public attitude to his image is one of the main targets, because it is sufficiently important having no gray areas and “white spots” in shaping his politic image, which can subsequently be a subject to manipulation by political opponents.


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How to Cite

Шихненко, Д. (2017). INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF INNOVATIVE POLITICAL LEADERS AS MODERN ELITE. Public Management, (2 (7), 228-236. Retrieved from


