archetypes, governance, political process, political and legal organization of society, the public relations of power, socio-cultural factorsAbstract
The article proposes and discusses the need for socio-cultural development (archetypal) political research strategy aimed at the reconstruction and interpretation of public government institutions and management practices as a sustainable and successively reproducing political phenomena in a certain sociocultural environment. The author proves that the social and cultural basis of the study should be considered as the content, and the political system and the relationship (as socio-cultural phenomena) are a form of political and legal life of society, where the first — it is essential, qualitative characteristics of public power organizations, and the second — external, specific — concrete hysterical representation and execution of social and cultural content. The contents of the paper presents the author’s multilevel system of coding the archetypal political process of transformation of public power of social organization and management practices.
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